Of scoundrels and fools
Disregarding God’s moral standards, as if our concerns matter more, we always end up mistreating others. But God is committed to righting every wrong, restoring the fortunes of the humble poor.
A David psalm.
1 Fools say in their hearts
“God isn’t worth considering!”
Their actions are corrupt, repulsive.
No one does what’s good.
2 YHWH peers down from heaven on humankind
to see if he can find
anyone with the good sense to seek God.
3 But everyone has gone astray—
we’re all are morally tainted.
There’s no one who does good.
Not even one.
4 Have these scoundrels no clue—
who gobble my people up like bread
and think they can evade me?
5 One day they’ll be panic-stricken
when they see that God sides
with those who seek him.
6 You think you can trash
the hopes of the poor
but YHWH will protect them.
7 O, how I wish Israel’s rescue
were already on the way from Zion!
When YHWH restores his people’s fortunes
Jacob will be overjoyed
and Israel will celebrate!
Rude and crude, the fools David speaks of live like there’s no God. They prey on the vulnerable, sabotaging good in their lives. While it isn’t immediately apparent, they sabotage good in their own lives too. So, though the world may deem them smart, they’re as stupid as they are morally repugnant. David has in mind scoundrels like Nabal, the rich narcissist who held him in the same contempt as Saul did, proverbially kicking David in the teeth when he was down.
Having described the godless, David goes on to address the universal human condition. He pictures God searching for even just one person with the wisdom to seek him and finding none. We’ve all gone astray and become morally polluted, embracing folly each in our own way.
The fools’ contempt for the vulnerable goes unchecked because they think they can commit deplorable acts without having to answer to God. But David assures us they’ll be panic-stricken on the day when God shows them he’s on their victims’ side. This makes David long and pray for God’s restoration of his people and the joyful celebration it will bring.
Deliver me from the folly of thinking I can figure life out without you, Lord, as if making up my own rules doesn’t lead to hurt and ruin. Help me believe you’ll protect the weak and vulnerable. Come quickly to rescue your people and right the wrongs done to them. Amen.
In your free moments today, pray this prayer:
O, how I wish Israel’s rescue
were already on the way from Zion!
When YHWH restores his people’s fortunes
Jacob will be overjoyed
and Israel will celebrate!