The God of Jacob reigns
In the spiritual—if not the physical—realm, we’re surrounded by noisy forces determined to diminish and destroy us. So, we can take comfort in Jacob’s God, who is always unfailingly on his people’s side.
To the music director. A descendants of Korah psalm. According to alamoth.
1 God is our refuge and strength
always fully present to help us
when we’re in trouble.
2 So we won’t fear
though the earth itself gives way
and its mountains
come crashing down into the sea.
3 Though its waters rage and roar
and the mountains quake
with their surging. Selah
4 Brimful of joy
a river streams through God’s city
holy residence of the Most High.
5 With God himself at its heart
it won’t fall
for he’ll come to its aid at break of dawn.
6 Superpowers rant
and superpowers roil.
But he merely speaks
and the earth melts.
7 YHWH, Commander of Heaven’s Armies
is for us.
Jacob’s God is our fortress!
8 Come, behold what YHWH has done
what devastation he’s wreaked on earth:
9 breaking bows
snapping spears in two
burning chariots to ashes
he’s banned war the whole world over.
10 “Be still
and acknowledge that I am God
supreme over the din of empires
supreme over all the earth!”
11 YHWH, Commander of Heaven’s Armies
is for us.
Jacob’s God is our fortress!
However hostile or chaotic the world is, God is for us. So we need not fear, even if the ground beneath our feet gives way and earth’s towering mountains come crashing into the sea. Because he’s here for us, he is our peace and is fully committed to establishing universal peace.
God is also our joy. The river here reminds us of Eden, whose multiple streams produced the garden’s rich abundance. Likewise, God’s presence with us produces overflowing confidence despite our obvious weakness. Since he’s made his home among us, we can count on him to defend us at first light. Whatever threats we face melt away in terror when he speaks. As Jacob’s God, YHWH wrestles us into submission when, like Jacob, we need to be freed from all our egocentric efforts to run the universe our way. God also blesses us, transforms us, and commands heaven’s armies to protect us from our foes.
Inviting us to revel in YHWH’s military exploits, the psalmist then turns everything around, declaring that it’s war itself he’s destroyed. There’s only one fitting response to so great and so good a God: to stop resisting him, be still, and let him rule our lives. Since everyone on earth will submit to Jacob’s God in the end, the only question is whether we’ll postpone it or submit to him freely right now.
When all around my soul gives way, you then are all my hope and stay! Jesus, I know I can trust you since you’ve come to live among us and fill the earth with peace. So help me to let go and grant you your absolute right to rule my life and to fill it with your peace. Amen.
In your free moments today, meditate on these life-giving words:
“Be still
and acknowledge that I am God
supreme over the din of empires
supreme over all the earth!”